
AppRole (Azure SDK for Java Reference Documentation)

AppRole (Azure SDK for Java Reference Documentation)
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and TypeMethod and Description

      Get the allowedMemberTypes property: Specifies whether this app role definition can be assigned to users and groups by setting to 'User', or to other applications (that are accessing this application in daemon service scenarios) by setting to 'Application', or to both.


      Get the description property: Permission help text that appears in the admin app assignment and consent experiences.


      Get the displayName property: Display name for the permission that appears in the admin consent and app assignment experiences.


      Get the id property: Unique role identifier inside the appRoles collection.


      Get the isEnabled property: When creating or updating a role definition, this must be set to true (which is the default).


      Validates the instance.


      Get the value property: Specifies the value of the roles claim that the application should expect in the authentication and access tokens.

      AppRolewithAllowedMemberTypes(List<String> allowedMemberTypes)

      Set the allowedMemberTypes property: Specifies whether this app role definition can be assigned to users and groups by setting to 'User', or to other applications (that are accessing this application in daemon service scenarios) by setting to 'Application', or to both.

      AppRolewithDescription(String description)

      Set the description property: Permission help text that appears in the admin app assignment and consent experiences.

      AppRolewithDisplayName(String displayName)

      Set the displayName property: Display name for the permission that appears in the admin consent and app assignment experiences.

      AppRolewithId(String id)

      Set the id property: Unique role identifier inside the appRoles collection.

      AppRolewithIsEnabled(Boolean isEnabled)

      Set the isEnabled property: When creating or updating a role definition, this must be set to true (which is the default).

      AppRolewithValue(String value)

      Set the value property: Specifies the value of the roles claim that the application should expect in the authentication and access tokens.

    • Constructor Detail

      • AppRole

        public AppRole()
    • Method Detail

      • withId

        public AppRole withId(String id)

        Set the id property: Unique role identifier inside the appRoles collection.

        Parameters: id - the id value to set. Returns: the AppRole object itself.
      • allowedMemberTypes

        public List<String> allowedMemberTypes()

        Get the allowedMemberTypes property: Specifies whether this app role definition can be assigned to users and groups by setting to 'User', or to other applications (that are accessing this application in daemon service scenarios) by setting to 'Application', or to both.

        Returns: the allowedMemberTypes value.
      • withAllowedMemberTypes

        public AppRole withAllowedMemberTypes(List<String> allowedMemberTypes)

        Set the allowedMemberTypes property: Specifies whether this app role definition can be assigned to users and groups by setting to 'User', or to other applications (that are accessing this application in daemon service scenarios) by setting to 'Application', or to both.

        Parameters: allowedMemberTypes - the allowedMemberTypes value to set. Returns: the AppRole object itself.
      • description

        public String description()

        Get the description property: Permission help text that appears in the admin app assignment and consent experiences.

        Returns: the description value.
      • withDescription

        public AppRole withDescription(String description)

        Set the description property: Permission help text that appears in the admin app assignment and consent experiences.

        Parameters: description - the description value to set. Returns: the AppRole object itself.
      • displayName

        public String displayName()

        Get the displayName property: Display name for the permission that appears in the admin consent and app assignment experiences.

        Returns: the displayName value.
      • withDisplayName

        public AppRole withDisplayName(String displayName)

        Set the displayName property: Display name for the permission that appears in the admin consent and app assignment experiences.

        Parameters: displayName - the displayName value to set. Returns: the AppRole object itself.
      • isEnabled

        public Boolean isEnabled()

        Get the isEnabled property: When creating or updating a role definition, this must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a role, this must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, this role may be removed.

        Returns: the isEnabled value.
      • withIsEnabled

        public AppRole withIsEnabled(Boolean isEnabled)

        Set the isEnabled property: When creating or updating a role definition, this must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a role, this must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, this role may be removed.

        Parameters: isEnabled - the isEnabled value to set. Returns: the AppRole object itself.
      • withValue

        public AppRole withValue(String value)

        Set the value property: Specifies the value of the roles claim that the application should expect in the authentication and access tokens.

        Parameters: value - the value value to set. Returns: the AppRole object itself.
      • validate

        public void validate()

        Validates the instance.

        Throws: IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the instance is not valid.

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Elina Uphoff

Update: 2024-05-25