
Barack Obama brings hope and pedigree to Chicago's Olympic bid

The atmosphere has been tense all week with each city doing everything within its capability to try to win the bid.

The announcement earlier this week that President Barack Obama would come to Copenhagen for the final presentation has been the topic of much of the conversation here.

There had been much speculation over the last month as to whether the President, a Chicago resident for many years, would make the trip. He announced last week that he would send his wife Michelle, a Chicago native, but left the option open to travel himself if his schedule permitted.

So all of us who are part of the bid delegation were elated with his decision to join us here.

After Tony Blair travelled to Singapore to support the successful London 2012 bid, many pundits speculated that Chicago would need President Obama to travel to Copenhagen in order to be successful. I'm not sure that guarantees success but it certainly helps.

Chicago's is a very sound bid with many of the venues needed to stage the Games already in place, solid community support, and financial support from the business community.

What President Obama's presence does is show the International Olympic Committee that there is support from the top for Chicago hosting the Games. Heads of state from Brazil, Japan, and Spain had all already committed to coming to Copenhagen to support their respective cities, so President Obama's presence eliminates the possibility of Chicago appearing to have any arrogance or perceived lack of respect for the Olympic movement.

But, most importantly, President Obama is the most powerful man on the planet and extremely popular around the world. He is a great speaker and very charismatic.

But he is also associated with success, and I believe he has the ability to assure IOC members that with his support, a 2016 Olympics in Chicago would be a successful Games.

President Obama, as a result of his personality, his eloquent speeches, his unflappable demeanour, and his pragmatic approach to problems and issues, has inspired great confidence in him.

Ten months into his presidency he is taking on several tasks at once and while he has come under some criticism for that from his political rivals, most American citizens still have confidence in him.

A true measure of his popularity is the fact that while many people do not support some of his positions regarding the healthcare debate or his position on how to handle the global economic crisis, his approval rating remains high.

In fact, when polled, many Americans who are unhappy with the lack of progress on healthcare or the economy blame Congress rather than Obama.

I believe that many people, myself included, while we may not agree completely with every one of his positions, feel that at this point, with the economy as it is, wars being fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, and American healthcare in crisis, this is when you want the smart guy in charge.

I think that many Americans, as well as people around the world, believe that President Obama is smart, trustworthy, and truly cares about making the United States and the world a better place and has dedicated his life to doing so. This has given Americans something that many had lost, something which has become closely associated with President Obama: hope.

People around the world view America differently since his taking over the presidency and I believe this will have a positive effect here. The Rio delegation commented that the Brazilian president had been involved in Rio's bid from the very beginning.

What our delegation has had to communicate is that while President Obama has only just confirmed that he will travel to Copenhagen, he has been supportive of the Chicago bid from the beginning, when he was an Illinois senator from Chicago, and that since becoming President, he has established the White House Office of Olympic, Paralympic and Youth Sport focused on promoting Olympic values and increasing youth participation in sport.

I believe President Obama's support of Chicago makes it a much stronger bid. The fact that he has taken time out of his extremely busy schedule, with so many important things going on in the United States and around the world, to show his support for the Games going to Chicago, makes it the clear favourite.



Trudie Dory

Update: 2024-05-06