
How to get to the Farm in Destiny 2 Season of Defiance

The Farm is an early-game social hub that can be accessed as soon as Neptune is unlocked in Destiny 2. It was founded by Suraya Hawthorne to form a community outside the City. However, after the attack from the Red Legion, this tower was destroyed, and most of the beings living in the area escaped and organized themselves in other places.

Season of Defiance is the 20th season of Destiny 2, the popular action MMO from Bungie. The developers have also released an expansion for the game called Lightfall, which includes a new raid campaign, along with a lot of missions and other content.

It also provides access to a fresh location called Neptune, which is accessible exclusively by all DLC owners. This article will guide users in reaching the Farm in Season of Defiance.

Reaching the Farm in Destiny 2 Season of Defiance

The Farm can be accessed during the early game after completing a few prologue quests in the Lightfall expansion, which unlocks Neptune. The steps to reach it are given below:

  • Open the map and locate European Dead Zone (EDZ) in the bottom left corner.
  • Select EDZ, and the Farm will be located in the top right section.
  • Click on Launch, and after the game has loaded, you will reach the Farm.
  • Subsequently, approach and initiate a conversation with Queen Mara Sov, Kell of House Light (Mithrax), and Devrim Kay. After the conversation ends, go towards the holoprojector, and Kay will brief you on a quest. Unless you do this, Destiny 2 won't register that you've reached the place. The Defiant Battleground activity will be unlocked once the conversion has concluded.

    You will get a set of missions after reaching the Farm, which you can initiate. The location will look a little different to returning players, as it was completely demolished after an attack. It currently only serves the purpose of providing missions to save allies.

    Season of Defiance Season Pass

    Players can access new weapons, ornaments, and equipment while completing the Season of Defiance Season Pass. They can progress through its free tier or unlock the premium path to get their hand on some exclusive rewards.

    It's worth mentioning that some items that are available during the premium pass' beginning can be obtained through the free version later. For example, Verglas Curve Exotic Bow can be obtained after reaching level 35 on the free path, whereas it is available on level 1 in the premium track.

    Destiny 2: Lightfall was released on several major platforms and is available on PC (via Steam and Epic Games), PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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    Elina Uphoff

    Update: 2024-05-02