
Olivier Martinez is rethinking this whole Halle Berry thing


Well, this was completely predictable. After all of the dramatics over the past month between Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry, it seems Halle’s boyfriend of six months, Olivier Martinez, is starting to wonder… “Hey, this bitch is crazy. Maybe I shouldn’t be with her?” This comes on the heels of the Enquirer’s reporting that Halle wants Olivier to be Nahla’s “new daddy” – which Gabriel is understandably upset about.

Halle Berry’s love affair with French movie star Olivier Martinez has hit the rocks as Halle’s child custody battle threatens to sink their relationship. Halle and Olivier are having bitter arguments triggered bu Halle’s ugly clashes with Gabriel Aubry.

“They have been fighting constantly,” a source told the Enquirer. “Halle’s mood swings are to blame. She is stressed about her conflict with Gabriel and has been taking it out on Olivier.”

Olivier cautioned Halle to handle the custody issue behind closed doors, but she proceeded to get in a public mud-slinging match with Gabriel.

“Olivier has seen a side of Halle he doesn’t like – and that has got him thinking she isn’t the one for him.”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition]

This is what I’ve been wondering since the beginning of Halle’s Campaign of Destruction: What the hell does her new boyfriend think? While I don’t think Olivier is the brightest bulb, I think even the most dense of guys would see huge red flags all over this situation and try to exit stage left. I mean… this is how she’s treating her last significant other, the father of her child. How is she going to treat you when it’s all over? I should represent Halle’s side too. Obviously, Olivier is racist. And abusive. There.

One last story – In Touch Weekly has an interview with Halle’s “estranged half-sister” Renee Berry. Renee tells ITW that she would advise Halle to “Bitch, be cool” – that is, if they were speaking. Renee says: “You don’t get your wings by holding grudges… I hate that she’s going through with this custody battle. I’m sure it’s difficult for both her and Gabriel, but they should remember that the child comes first, and they should spare the child from being subjected to any of this.” Renee also says that Gabriel has a right to be a father to Nahla, and that Nahla has a right to have her dad in her life: “If he wants to be a father, he should be allowed to do so. After all, so many men in this country run away from their responsibilities.” Wow… a reasonable person with the last name “Berry”. Shocking!






Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.


Valentine Belue

Update: 2024-05-18