
What happened to Kylie Horne and Kylann Harper? Columbus Police issue Amber Alert for abducted young

An amber alert was issued for two young girls who were allegedly abducted from a Burger King in Columbus, Georgia on Sunday, October 15, 2023. The two girls were identified as 11-year-old Kylie Horne and four-year-old Kylann Harper. According to the Ledger Inquirer, the girls were, however, found safe on Monday, October 16, 2023, at around 11:30 am. They also added that they would file the necessary charges against the suspects, Mikaela Harrell and Kaila Spires.

As soon as the girls were found, the Amber Alert was canceled. The police are currently investigating the mysterious disappearance and alleged abduction of the two young girls.

Amber Alert for missing Georgia girls canceled after they were found safe the next day

Two young girls Kylanna Harper and Kylie Hornes were allegedly abducted from a Burger King in 7301 Veterans Parkway in Muscugee County on Sunday. Authorities soon began looking for the two girls and also issued an Amber Alert to find the four and eleven-year-old girls. They also revealed the girls' descriptions so people could help look for them.

Kylann was described as a Caucasian female with red hair and green eyes who was three feet and four inches tall, and weighing about 35 pounds. Meanwhile, Kylie was also described as a Caucasian female with brown eyes and brown hair who was four feet and nine inches tall, and weighed around 75 pounds.

The Amber Alert issued for the two girls was canceled a day later, on Monday, October 16, 2023, at around 11:30 am in South Georgia. The police didn't initially if they had arrested someone in connection to the alleged kidnapping. However, they confirmed later that they were looking into the abduction and had identified the suspects as Mikaela Harrell and Kaila Spires.

Police have identified two suspects, but haven't confirmed arrests

The police are looking at evidence to file charges against the suspects of the kidnapping Mikaela Harrell and Kaila Spires. They, however, haven't mentioned if they arrested the two women and stated that they were working on filing charges against Harrell and Spires.

Columbus Police Department uploaded a post on X where they updated followers that Kylie and Kylann had been found safe. Their tweet added that they were investigating the care and were working on filing charges against the two suspects.

Several people have praised the work of the police after they effectively found the missing children. They took to X to call it an "Amber Alert success story" and to thank the police as well as locals for helping look for the two girls.

Law enforcement officers are trying to find additional details about the chain of events that possibly took place on Sunday. They have urged the public to reach out to them if they have any information regarding the case. It has been confirmed that the case is an ongoing investigation.

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Trudie Dory

Update: 2024-04-15